Image-Guided Superficial Radiotherapy (IG-SRT)
We are dedicated to ensuring you know your options when it comes to skin cancer. Our team will counsel you on the most appropriate treatments so you can make informed decisions regarding your health and well-being.
Painless, Non-Invasive & Effective
Sometimes the cutting-edge of skin cancer treatment means NO cutting at all. Image-Guided Superficial Radiation Therapy (also known as Superficial Radiotherapy, and IG-SRT), is a proven, non-surgical method of treating non-melanoma skin cancers such as basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma, virtually any place on your body.
IG-SRT is not like the radiation used to treat other cancers. It preserves your surrounding healthy tissue while effectively treating the malignant (cancerous) cells, painlessly penetrating only about 5mm below your skin’s surface – virtually the thickness of your skin. It is a very targeted treatment which uses an ultrasound device to visualize the cancer, measure the tumor, and follow the progress during the treatment course. Using this method adds to the high cure rates and lessens the need to treat the skin beyond where the cancer is located.
For some patients with non-melanoma skin cancers, this advanced radiotherapy treatment has several advantages over surgical procedures, and:
Is safe & effective
Eliminates the discomfort that can follow surgery
Requires short treatment sessions
Results in minimal to no scarring
Has virtually no risk of nerve damage
Requires no anesthesia
Reduces the risk of post-procedure infections
Has a quick recovery time
Requires no post-reconstructive surgery
Allows you to enjoy your regular activities such as showering, playing golf, etc.
Prior to beginning the IG-SRT treatments, we will contact your insurance company and get the prior authorization to administer this non-surgical treatment. In addition, we will look at your insurance benefits and be able to determine what your costs (deductible, copay, etc.) will be to treat your cancer.
After the initial set up, called a simulation, you will have a series of 20 treatments that can be done 3-5 days a week. Each visit, you will meet with our Radiation Therapy Technologist (RTT) who will perform each treatment. During the series, after every 5 visits, you will meet with one of our providers to discuss how the treatment is progressing.
At the initial visit with the RTT, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and see the device that will be used to treat your cancer. The cancer will be imaged with the ultrasound device. This will identify the size and depth of the cancer. The treatment area will be marked. After finding a comfortable position, a lead shield will be strategically formed and placed over the cancer. Then the machine will be placed over the cancer. You will be completely shielded from any radiation. Just like that, without any pain, the treatment is over. You may have some redness and mild swelling over the cancer. This is normal during the treatment. Once the cancer is gone, the redness fades.
We are excited to be able to offer this exciting option for treating non-melanoma skin cancers. Surgery does a great job and for many patients is the best option. There are those cancers, however, where surgery could cause unneeded pain, significant scarring, loss of body parts (ears for example), need for reconstruction, or slow-healing wounds. Dr. Sassmannshausen or one of his PA’s would only recommend this option if they felt it was the best option for treatment.
If you have any questions, visit or call the office at 260-436-9696.